Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Last Beta

I had my last beta test this morning... 2496! My doubling rate has slowed down, but it is still much faster than the normal doubling time at that amount. After 1200, the doubling rate changes from 31-72 hours to 72-96.  My time was 51 hours, so pretty good!

My first ultrasound is scheduled for Sept. 4.  That is going to feel like an eternity.  I'm not feeling that great today.  My sinuses are killing me.  I have pressure on my forehead and around my nose.  Makes me want to take a nap.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Holy Crap!!!!

I had my first Beta (blood pregnancy test) on Saturday.  I got the results back, but forgot the exact number so I didn't post on Saturday.  Well, the exact number was 443. That had me shocked all weekend, because I know that it is considerably high.  To be a healthy pregnancy, the numbers should double  every 48-72 hours. So my next test was this morning.

Suzette was there again and we talked while she drew my blood.  She was also surprised by my first test and stated that they typically suspect multiples with numbers that high.  We both giggled at the thought that maybe the embryo split, but said that we have to take things one day at a time  starting with today's Beta.

Well...I got today's Beta results.  Not only did my numbers double, they TRIPLED!!!!! Today's number was 1340. Now...we wait for the next test on Wednesday morning.

I'm 4weeks 3day
Baby is the size of an orange seed
Symptoms: Tired, gagging when I brush my teeth

Monday, August 12, 2013

Preliminary Result Are In......

After days of peeing on sticks, I finally have results strong enough that show on a picture.  It looks like I"ll be having a baby!!!

I went in for lab work this morning.  I told Suzette (my favorite nurse) that I was a compulsive tester and I had a light positive since Saturday.  She felt as though that was a a really good sign considering how early it was.  I will go back in for my official blood test on Saturday morning.

I told Suzette that besides being tired, my only issue right now is easily sweating and being out of breath.  She said since I wasn't having any pains in my chest or calfs, it was probably just from the increase in estrogen. My lab work should that my estradiol is now 28.2 and my progesterone went up to 33.5 (which is good, considering is was low, 14. last Wednesday).

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Peeing Addiction Begins

I held my pee for a long time last night/ this morning to make sure it would be concentrated with hormones. I took my first test this morning. I know it is early but it's a sick kind of fun.
To the untrained eye and on this picture, you see... nothing. But to a professional pee'er, when you look at it in the light, there is a slightly visible outline of a second line. 
So, this picture is 3dp6dt (3 days past 6 day transfer).

Friday, August 9, 2013

Single Embryo Transfer (SET)

After 2 fresh cycles of IVF, I’m left with transferring a single embryo.  Dr Hayes and Amy (the embryologist), informed me that my little embryo was darn near perfect and had a great chance to result in a pregnancy.
I’m was very excited to hear this.  My transfer was Wednesday, Aug 7th, 2013 at 11am.  It was nice and quick.  I was released from the hospital a couple of hours later to go home and rest for the next couple of days.
Last night was pretty crazy.  I’m hoping that I had my first weird pregnancy dream.  Despite all the sleep I had yesterday, I had no problem taking at least 3 naps today and once I finish this, I don’t foresee a problem going back to see.
I’ll probably start testing Saturday.  I don’t know if I’ll be able to wait until Sunday.  I go back to the clinic for a hormone check, but they won’t do a pregnancy test until the weekend of the 16th.

Here is my little embryo baby at 6 days old.  The part outside the shell will develop into the placenta and the part inside the shell will become baby.