Tuesday, November 12, 2013

More to Watch For

After a long month, I finally had an ultrasound where I was able to see the baby!  I had my first cervical length check today.  Baby was active as usual with his legs just kicking.  He was butt down today and my inner monolog told him to get that all out of his system now and be the right way when it's time.  My cervix measured over 3 cm (Dr couldn't remember exact amount by the time she came to talk to us).  But of course, there is a negative for that positive.

It was discovered that I have a low-lying placenta.  This means that my placenta is less than 2cm away from my cervix. So now with my biweekly cervical checks, they will also be looking to see if the placenta is moving.  The hope is that as my uterus expands, the placenta will move further away from my cervix.  If it doesn't then I will have to have a c-section.

When the doctor was going over things that could happen as a result of this placement, I asked if this could have been the cause of my bleed a few weeks ago, and she said yes.  She warned that I could have more bleeds.  Therefore, I am on pelvic rest, no strenuous activities and no heavy lifting.

More good news- a picture of baby at 16 wks, 4 days!

Mommy/Baby Stats
Weight:  I was pretty stressed last week and ended up losing about 3 lbs.  Working on putting it back on.

Sleep:  I've created a weird sleeping pattern.  I go to sleep when I put Chase to bed between 9-10pm.  I'll sleep for a few hours and then wake up between 1-3am and take my night meds/vitamins, maybe some ice cream and go back to bed.  I'm feeling that I need to stop this.

Symptoms:  Things have been pretty calm this week.  Mild nausea one day, but that's been about it.

Cravings/Aversions:  Just ice cream (not really that different)

Movement:  Random.  It figures since the placenta is in the front, I'm missing some of the action.

Next Appointment: Still have to schedule them.  My next appointment for the cervical check will also be my anatomy scan, so that will be an interesting appointment.

Baby: He is over 4 inches long from his head to butt and weighs over 2 ounces.  His legs are now longer than his arms and he is started to grow finger nails.

Friday, November 1, 2013

15 Weeks

Day 1 of week 15 has been nice a quiet. Today was my first day back at work since getting my cerclage.  I had the cerclage put in on Tuesday evening.  The actual procedure was better than with the last pregnancy.  The best part was that the room wasn't an ice box this time.  Unfortunately, I experienced more abdominal pain afterward this time.  Dr. Mastrolia gave me 2 types of medications that were really appreciated for that first 24 hours.  I've only had 2 pain pills today, so that's pretty good.

Baby continues to get nice and big.  I'm able to find him very quickly using the doppler. I haven't been that obsessive with it as my husband feared.  I only take a listen one a day!

Mommy/Baby Stats
Weight: I still have about another 1.5 lbs to gain before I get back to my pre pregnancy weight.

Clothes: Barely fit into my last pair of jeans.  I did get a new pair of pants that fit really nice and they aren't maternity.  I may have another 2 weeks left in those.  Otherwise, it's maternity all day every day.

Sleep:  Can't complain.  The Vicodin the last couple of nights have helped me sleep all day and night.

Symptoms: The morning sickness is much better.  My stomach gets a little uneasy ever so often, but nothing horrible.  I had 2 bad days of heartburn, but my problem now is mostly indigestion.

Cravings/Aversions: I haven't had much of an issue with food lately.

Anxiety: Just hoping to make it through each day without any medical issues.

Movement: I have been feeling little flutters for about 2 weeks now. I'm starting to wonder if I'm starting to notice more.

Next Appointment: I have an OB appointment on Monday and then my first cervical check on Nov 12.

Baby: He is around 4 inches long, about the size of an apple or navel orange.  He is a little shy of 2 ounces.

Until next time- Prayers for a quiet, uneventful week!