Monday, January 27, 2014

Another Bump in The Road

Last week, I took my 1 hour glucose test and failed it big time.  This past Saturday, I had to go back in to take a 3 hour glucose.  I had to fast for 8 hours the night before  and then go to the lab for a baseline blood draw, then drink the sugar solutions and have another blood draw for each of the next 3 hours.  Well, I failed 2 of the 4 blood draws, so I am now considered to have Gestational Diabetes.

I had my 4 week OB check today.  Dr Saikie went over things with me, informing me that because my body is now producing all of these hormones, as the placenta grows, it is making more more insulin resistant.  He said I am no more of a higher risk pregnancy than I was before, but now they will just be monitoring my sugar level, also.  The rest of my appointment went as usual.  Baby's heartbeat was good and he is apparently going to be a big boy-  my uterus was measuring about 3 weeks ahead!

An order was sent in for me to have a consult with a dietitian.  As soon as we got home, her office called and said they could get me in today, so back out we went.  The appointment with her was like a class.  She first went through what diabetes is and how it developed and affects pregnancies. Then we went over what my levels were and where they should be.  I learned how to check my levels, which I now have to do 4 times a day and report them every week.  Then we moved on to the next "session" which was about my new diet-monitoring and counting carbs.

As much as I was panicking Sunday about this diagnosis, I'm starting to feel much better.

Mommy/Baby Stats
Weight:  Just slightly 2 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight.  I probably won't be gaining much anymore with the new diet plan.

Sleep:  I'm falling asleep most nights between 9-10, but then I'm up again after 12:30 to as late as 2 am.

Cravings:  FOOD!

Movement:  Baby continues to do a lot of moving.   I was able to catch him on my cell phone video moving around.  It was hilarious watching him move my stomach like that.  His activity patterns changed during Christmas break and now it seems like he is awake a lot more often.

Next Appointment:  Growth Scan on Feb 10.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Acrobatic Baby

I had my last cervical check today.  My cervix was actually crazy long and even some how managed to curve.  For now, I have to wait a long month before my next MFM visit.  Then we will do another growth scan.

Of course we had picture time today and he cooperated-somewhat!  Baby was head down, but he had his feet all the way on his head.  After a couple of tries, we were able to get a picture that showed his face and foot.  The tech said he is very flexible!  While she was figuring out his position, she quickly moved and asked if we knew his gender.  We said yes.  She said good and then moved back to where she was and said because he wasn't hiding anything today!

Quick update:
We are 25 wks and 3 day and according to our apps, he is the size of a cauliflower!

Couple minor scares- Braxon Hicks Thursday evening and off and on Friday.  Also, was feeling quick of bit of movement, but when I did a kick test, it took almost the full 2 hours to get 10 kicks.

I will do my 1-hour glucose test within this week, maybe Thursday or next Monday.