Monday, October 7, 2013

200 Days To Go!

I had my first OB appointment today and it went very well.  Dr Saikie received the report from MFM and I will have quite a busy pregnancy.  For just the next 2 months or so, I will have an 24hr urine collection (this weekend), an EKG (don't know why), must start baby aspirin (to help regulate my blood pressure after delivery), will have cerclage placed, bi-weekly cervical checks, start weekly progesterone shots (to prevent pre-term labor) and during anatomy scan at 20 weeks, they will do a detailed something on baby's heart (because IVF babies are more likely to have heart issues)  There is still more but I can't remember it all.

My due date is April 25, but I now know that baby will be born early.  According to MFM, I will have baby between 37-39 weeks.

Dr Saikie was trying to use the dobbler today to hear baby's heartbeat, but it was being such a tease.  Every time he thought he found the heartbeat, it was gone, so he had to get the ultrasound machine.  Well, baby was very busy again.  Arms were moving and S/he was bouncing around.  I love that baby's been putting on a show for use the last couple of times!

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